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Worms Reloaded - How to custom maps

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1Worms Reloaded - How to custom maps Empty Worms Reloaded - How to custom maps Fr Aug 27, 2010 10:44 pm


gimme more Anime'z
gimme more Anime'z

1. Using Photoshop, make a new file with a transparent background, dimensions the same as the included tga files (2560 x 1280).
2. Make sure the background is totally black.
3. Insert all the images you want and edit it all so it looks the way you want.
4. Flatten the image, i.e. merge all the layers
5. Go into the Channels palette and create an alpha channel (with the icon that looks like a folded page at the bottom)
6. Anything you want visible will be totally white in the alpha channel, anything you want hidden will be black. So, basically you want everything you inserted to be white in the alpha channel and you want the black background to be black in the alpha channel also.
7. Easiest way to do this is use the magic wand to select all the black on your picture then invert your selection and go to the alpha channel and just paint all your new selection white.
8. Now save it as a 32bit .tga file and put it into the UserLandscapes folder, you should now be able to load it into the game and save it as you would any other.


First it did not work 100% I tell you more, but you can play WA maps in WR, the problem is the graphic will be not be send to the players that downloading the map, they have only black outline of the map. But on your own computer you can play 100% the WA map, with all graphic. Would be cool if this could also be fixed by Team17 dev.

Maybe someone gets a idea to code a third party programm, or Team17 gets a idea to fix it that people also download the graphic of the WA map.

I tell you know what I did, maybe says someone: "hey when we do that and that, than it works."

1.) Go to \Steam\steamapps\common\worms reloaded\UserLandscapes\

2.) Load the .tga picture Missile Base.tga into a paint programm.

3.) Load than also a old WA map.(you get cool WA maps at: http://www.wmdb.org/ )

4.) Give the WA map the same size like the picture from WR, this is 2560x1280

5.) Copy now in the paint programm the WA map with the new size and paste it into the picture Missile Base.tga

6.) Save now with the paint programm the Missile Base.tga file, which has now the WA map in it, with a new name to \Steam\steamapps\common\worms reloaded\UserLandscapes\

7.) Start Worms Reloaded game and start a single player game, load there your created map(picture we imported) into the game.

8.) Now that you loaded the map and played it once, it has than also a .kev file.

9.) Leave the current map and go in the Worms Reloaded map editor, load the pic/map we created into the editor, than save it directly with the editor and give it a new name. Now we have also a .lds file of our WA map. EDIT: You can place also the worms spawn points in the map editor.

10.) But now comes the problem, if you make a online game, than you can load our new map into WR, you see the map normal, only the people that download it see black outlines of the map, I´am stuck at this point, maybe Team17 or some genius coder can help?

Thank you guys for reading it and maybe someone gets a Idea. Sorry for my english, but I´am native german speaker.
Dont forget the alpha layer (check previous posts for info on that). Duno if its needed but it worked the way


He did it.

\Steam\steamapps\common\worms reloaded\UserLandscapes\
Maps im ingame editor Laden, danach speicher damit man eine ild datei bekommt. Danach kann man sie im MP laden.


Problem -> Jeder muss die Map installiert haben, sonst bekommt man die bilder schwarz angezeigt = Team17 fail Sad

Bsp. Maps: https://2img.net/h/oi33.tinypic.com/z21pf.png
DL-Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?q1dyzqgokj2oom5


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